Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thank you Jennifer, Bick, Mary, and Ryan!

12-13 weeks and Christmas!

Wow, it's crazy how fast time is flying. Cooper is holding his head up so well these days, and of course we are getting LOTS of smiles and giggles. He's very serious though until you start talking to him, and then he just beams at you. I love the way he has started playing with his hands, and how he hooks a finger onto my top while he is nursing. He's just so sweet, I'm cherishing every moment.

We had a bit of a duel with a wolf spider last week. Oh my gosh I cannot tell you how freaked out I was. It was early morning and I had just laid Cooper down on his change, opened his curtain to grab the spray bottle (we use reusable wipes) and there was this gigantic spider just chillin, waiting to KILL me. So of course the first thing I do is take a picture

And then I find something to kill it (I'm nearly hyperventilating by this point) but it springs back to life and I have to kill it again.

Now, I wouldn't call myself fearless exactly, but before I had Cooper I was a little reckless at times. I would be grossed out but not really panicking. I think becoming a mother has changed that, like a protective survival instinct. It's weird.

Anyway I googled it of course and found out it was a wolf spider which happens to be one of the poisonous ones (of the MANY in Australia). So I called the pest people and they sent someone out today, and he confirmed that yep it was a wolf spider and he probably came from the roof.....great...

Anyway enough about that :)

Here are some photos of Cooper from last week. He is growing so fast! And getting very heavy!

This past sunday we went to Bathurst for a Christmas lunch with Deb's family, here are a few pictures from that day

This week has been a busy rush to get things done before Christmas. All the presents had been bought but needed to be wrapped. We are having Christmas lunch at our house this year so I wanted to cook some things from home like my Granny's recipe for dressing since we are having turkey. On top of that we have had to take Cooper to the pediatrician because I've noticed some pink fluid in his diapers and it's been consistent since the Saturday before last. The doc said it could be a milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance, so I am to cut out dairy from my diet. I love milk so this is hard for me, but I'm adjusting :) I had to get a sample to get tested in the lab so we are waiting on results from that, and we go back to the doctor when he is 4 months on Jan 21.

Here are a few pics of 13 weeks so far

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!!! Hope you have a good one :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

At the Cricket

Cooper asleep at the cricket....I know buddy I'd be asleep too if I were you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

11 weeks

Well I haven't had a chance to post much this week, with Christmas coming up it's been hectic. I am so thankful for online shopping :)

Cooper is talking more and he is growing fast. I've given up on trying to fit him in to newborn sizes and he is now in 3-6 months sized clothes. He is giggling so much, and I think his favorite time of the day is when Daddy comes home from work. I have been lucky enough to borrow Deb's (that's my mother in law) good camera and so it's been fun taking pictures with it. I need to take more videos, I'll try and start that this week.

His eyesight is getting better, and him and Red are starting to take more notice of each other now. They're gonna be best friends I'm sure. She has gone from just sniffing him to giving him lots of kisses, but I try and keep her away from his face... don't want him to get worms huh dad? ;)

We went to our first ABA (Australian Breastfeeding Association) meeting yesterday. It was good, we will go back in January.

The weather here is hot and muggy, which isn't the best for drying cloth diapers in the moisture filled air. But we have had a few days of sun. I took Cooper for a walk in his stroller for 20 min and got sunburned on my shoulders. That Aussie sun gets you every time. I remember when Elizabeth and I came out here the first time, the sun bruised us!

Anyway, I'm having to do this from my phone so I better go. Here are a few more pictures from this week.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dec 1st

If you click on this picture it will take you to the web album with more pics from today.


These are a couple of photos that I took today, two of my favorites :)